How Chiropractors Can Improve Your Flexibility
For many, the best way to improve flexibility is regular, routine visits with the chiropractor. By aligning the spine and joint ligaments to maximize health benefits, the body can increase flexibility, mobility, and immunity. Protecting your spine and flexibility as you age is an important factor in preventing falls, increasing strength, and decreasing risks for sprains, strains, and fractures. If you are looking for a chiropractor near Mt. Sinai, visit Dr. Argeropoulos. She offers convenient hours and specializes in all spine-related conditions with experience spanning over two decades.
What can a chiropractor do to improve your flexibility?
- Spinal adjustment and manipulation – A “high amplitude, low velocity” thrust is involved in creating an “audible pop,” which adjusts the spinal joints in position. With this adjustment, you can resume your daily activities without a “stiff back.” Spinal manipulation involves moving, jolting, and maneuvering the joints with massage, physical therapy, and exercise. This relieves pressure on the joints and decreases pain and inflammation.
- Increased range of motion – Guided exercise, combined with other techniques such as trigger point therapy, ultrasound therapy, and electrical stimulation can help increase your range of motion, loosen the joints, and maintain balance.
- Increasing circulation of blood in the body – the release of endorphins during massage and exercise therapy help to increase circulation of blood to your tissue and muscles. The ligaments need a blood and oxygen supply to stretch and grow over time. A chiropractor can help target specific tight ligaments in the body and use mobility techniques to help loosen the joints.
Why is flexibility important as we age?
As our bodies get older, our cartilage loses elasticity. Decreased flexibility can have a negative impact on our day-to-day life. People often decrease their level of physical activity because they do not feel flexible enough. When this happens, the body becomes vulnerable to illness, obesity, and cardiovascular disease and stroke. You may also feel a lack of balance which can lead to increased falls and broken bones. For this reason, it is important to maintain your flexibility and to work with a chiropractor to ensure that you have the best chance at living your best quality of life.
When looking for a chiropractor near Mt. Sinai, contact Dr. Sophia Argeropoulos. She can work with you to maximize your flexibility for your best chance at resuming normal activities without pain or inflammation. It is especially important to call if you have a history of falls, sprains, or decreased mobility. Contact her today to make an appointment, and we look forward to hearing from you!